The following day I found Cyrano standing next to my bed. I told him that I wish to say my goodbyes to Roxanne for I did not know how much time I had left. Cyrano told me I had nothing to worry about. he presented me with a letter that he had written. I noticed a tear on the letter. I though about it for a second then the thought crossed my mind. Cyrano may be in love with Roxanne too. It all makes since now. Cyrano is really the one Roxanne fell in love with for he is the one that has been writing all the letters. But the thought soon passed me as a strange person arrived in our camp. Turns out the strange figure was Roxanne. She had come to see me. It also turns out that Cyrano has been writing letters for her all the while I was sick. I had no idea he was doing this. I told that she must leave. It was too dangerous for her to be here. The Spaniards could have attacked at any moment and i would not want anything to happen to her. Roxanne brought along with her Ragueneau , one of Cyrano's friends. Turns out they also brought food, a lot of food. I asked Roxanne why she had come so far to see me. She replied that she would have done anything to see me. She said that she had finally loved me fully inside and out. She also tld me that she would have loved me even if I were ugly. This greatly upset me. I am not the person Roxanne thinks she has fallen in love with. I approached Cyrano on this news. I told him the Roxanne no longer loves me anymore but instead loves my s
oul which is really Cyrano's soul. i accused Cyrano of using me to get to Roxanne's heart. He does no deny it. I tolde him we must settle this now. Roxanne must choose which one she truly loves. Cyrano walks off to go talk to her. I sat there trying to recinder what happened. Some of the cadets came running out of the bushese. They said they needed help. I immediately grabbed my muskett and follwed them into the distance. It was quiet, almost too quiet. they told me one of their men had gotten shot not too far off. I took the lead and crept my way through the leaves. I came upon the body of the fallen solider. I turned back to the others when i eard a gunshot. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I looked down and noticed I hd been shot. I fell to the ground. The cadets dargged e back to camp. Roxanne was in turmoil. She couldn't bear look at me. I lay on the ground, cold. I could feel the life being drained from me. Cyrano whispered into my ear that Roxanne indeed chose me. I looked up one last time into the eyes of Roxann and............................
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It has only been a few days since the sige of Arras and things have gotten pretty bad. We are currently surrounded by the Spaniards, and are very low on supplies. We have limited food and water and many of the cadets are sick. I am very sick right now and am bed ridden. Its strange every morning I see Cyrano run off into the distance, towrads the enemy, but I have yet to understand what he is doing. No matter my current order of buisness is to get better so I can go home to my darling Roxanne.
Today I will be visiting Roxanne. Cyrano has begun writing letters to her. I believe she is nearly in love with me. When I arrived at Roxanne's house Cyrano was wating for me. Cyrano told me that Roxanne wants me to present her a speech. He gave me some lines that he had written out for me to memorize. I told Cyrano that I wanted to speak to Roxanne in my own words instead of always using Cyrano's. He respectfully accepted my decision. When I sat down with Roxanne I told her how I loved. She seemed unipressed. I again told her that I loave her a lot and she grew more upset. Eventually she got so upset that she left me and went back into the house. I dont understand what I did wrong. At that moment Cyrano appeared and was congratulating me which made no sense at all. I left the house. It grew darker. I could see a light comming from Roxanne's window. I turned to
Cyrano for help. He began telling me what to say. Roxanne was definately more interested this time. Eventually Cyrano started to talk but made it sound like me. He talked with suck beauty and elogance. I was astounded. Roxanne was so moved by my wrds that she called me up to the Balcony so that I may recieve a kiss. So i climbed up the balcony and got the kiss. Later that night Roxanne told me we were to be married by a priest. I was in shock. My dream was finally comming true. I was to marry my one true love. After the wedding I was unable to spend much time with Roxanne. Sadly I had to depart to the siege of Arras and was unable to stay for very long. So I said my goodbyes to Roxanne, happy and sad at the same time. I promised her that I would return home safely to be with her.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
After the night of the attack, in which Cyrano had fought 100 guards, he and his company of men where celebrating in a shop. I walked into the shop and was greeted by the commotion. Cyrano's men began teasing me and warning that I should never speak of Christian's nose. I did not know what to do in this situation so i asked Carbon to guide me on my way. He said that I must prove myself a man. So I did just that. During Cyrano's speech of the fight, I abruptly chimed in about Cyrano's noise, insulting him in all his glory. Cyrano got so mad that it nearly made me chuckle. Suddenly he stopped his speech and sent all of the cadets out of the room. I was scared what Cyrano might do. H
e could easily kill me with his swordesmenship. But rather than fighting me, Cyrano tells me that he is Roxanne's cousin. This news was a bit surprising. I told Cyrano that I because I am not that intelligent, as soon as Roxanne reads my letter she may reject me. I can imagine no worse pain than being rejected by Roxanne. I thought at that moment Cyrano would began to make fun of me as I had done to him. But apparantly I was wrong. Cyrano instead offered to write my letters to Roxanne for me. I was overjoyed by the jesture. I was very excited that Cyrano, a very poetic writer, would be writing my letters for me to Roxanne. I felt a stronger friendship towards Cyrano after that day.
I just got back from my first day of training with Cyrano. It was a very tough day composed of riggorous training and physical workouts. I feel left out of the group. Everyone, except for me, are Gascons, who are notorious for picking fights with other people other than their own blood. But this does not phase me for I am willing to do anything in order to bring myself closer to Roxanne.
The following Day
I slept a little uneasy last night. I was trying to gather my thoughts about everything that had happend last night, but everytime I did Roxanne kept popping into my head. I dream about her in my sleep and in my day. I can not get her out of my head. She is fueling my fire. I love her but I do not know if she has the same feelings in return. I ad heard from someone that Cyrano and Roxanne were talking together in Ragueneau bakery shop. The di
scussion of their conversation was me. I am not yet sure what they were discussing, maybe I can talk to Cyrano later and find out. But that is later. Right now I have big plans. I am going to go join the guards as I had said. I have only been in paris for a few weeks and need somewhere to work. Hopefully working as a guard will make me seem more manly in Roxanne's eyes. Also I belive Cyrano is a guard as well. Maybe my friendship with Cyrano will imporve if I am working with him, but im not too sure.
The night of the play
I see her everytime I go. She is always there, standing in the light glistening like a star. O how I do believe I have found my true love. I have not been living in Paris for more than a few weeks but I have been here long enough to know I have fallen in love. I see her at every play I have attended thus far. I belive her name is Roxanne, how beatuful. Anyway that night at the play was full of surprises. I met a man that night his name was Cyrano. He is a very elogent and poetic swordsman. It was not long after meeting Cyrano that I saw Roxanne. She was so beatiful that night. I saw her with another man. According to my good friend Ligniere, she was with Comte a man who wishes to wed Roxanne to his friend Vicomte de Valvert. I also came to an understanding that Roxanne is an intellectual. I could not bear hearing the news. It made me sad to know my true love is sought after by many others. I had to fight Valvert, there was no other choice. I needed to win the heart of Roxanne that very night. As I drew my glove to slap Valvert in the face a man grabbed my hand. It was a shadowy character. He told me that Ligniere was to be ambushed by a powerful man later that evening. I left the play in search of Ligiere. I foun no trace of him. Come to find out he went to Cyrano. Cyrano agreed to help him with his problem. I am really beginning to like this Cyrano fellow. He seems very genuine at heart.
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